Sunday 26 October 2008

my fair lady

My fair lady is a drama about London.
The tale is about a Cockney flower girl heroine, Eliza Doolittle, who is trained by a misogynistic, bachelor linguistics expert, Henry Higgins, to speak properly within six months. His friend provoked him, and he bet on her that she could speak properly. During her elocution lessons, her unrepentant, calculating drunk father, Alfred P. Doolittle, appears for handouts, and she makes an embarrassing first appearance at the opening day Ascot Races, but she catches the eye of high born but poor Freddie Eynsford-Hill. Although she experiences personal triumph within high society at the Embassy Ball, and wins her teacher’s love, she storms off after being transformed.


sky said...

Hello! I watched it in class first time. I think features of Cockney English appear. I want to watch it to last.

miyuki said...

I watched My fair lady for the first time in this class. It was difficult to hear Cockney English.